Click to download Part catalogue for GD605
Click to download Part catalogue for GD-511
We offer extensive and diverse product range through our 58 years of industry experience and customer requirements.
• Complete range of graders parts:-
1.Komatsu GD511-A 2.Komatsu GD 405 3.Komatsu GD605 4.Komatsu Gd 623
5. Cat 120H
6. Volvo-G 710
7. Mitsubishi –Mg 330
• Dozer parts :-
1. D 50 A 15 2. D 65 3. D 80 A12 4. D 155
Beml :-
1. BD 50 6. BD 65 7. BD 80 8. BD 155
• We are authorized distributors for GHPL .Which manufactures pumps for komatsu & Beml grader & Dozer Since 1997.
• Stockist for following OEMS:-
1. FMC :- UK
2. Velve touch :- UK
3. Sudo kits :-Japan
4. RIK Seal Rings:- Japan.
LIverani :- Water pumps for transit mixers.